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Travel Sickness Treatment Online

Travel sickness, or motion sickness, occurs when the brain receives conflicting signals from the inner ear, eyes, and body. When you are in motion, your inner ear (which controls balance) and your eyes may send different information to the brain about your movement.

For instance, if you are reading in a moving car, your eyes are focused on something stationary, while your inner ear senses motion. This mismatch can lead to discomfort.

How to Deal with Travel Sickness and Enjoy the Journey

Travel sickness is common across various modes of transport, including car journeys, air travel, and sailing. While it is not a serious health issue, it can make travelling less pleasant.

What are the Symptoms of Travel Sickness?

The symptoms of travel sickness include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Feeling unwell
  • Headache
  • Increased saliva

These symptoms can start suddenly and become more intense with continuous motion.

What Helps Travel Sickness?

To manage travel sickness, consider the following tips:

  • Focus on the Horizon: Look at distant objects rather than reading or focusing on something inside the vehicle.
  • Get Fresh Air: Open a window or step outside for fresh air whenever possible.
  • Choose the Best Seat: In a car, sit in the front seat to minimise motion sensations. On a boat, stay in the middle where movement is less pronounced.
  • Be Mindful of Food and Drink: Avoid heavy, spicy, or fatty foods before and during travel. Opt for light meals and stay hydrated.
  • Rest and Close Your Eyes: Closing your eyes or resting can help reduce the sensation of motion.
  • Try Ginger or Peppermint: Ginger and peppermint, in forms such as sweets, tea, or tablets, can help alleviate nausea for some people.
  • Consider Medication: Over-the-counter or prescription travel sickness medications can prevent or relieve symptoms. Consult your GP or pharmacist for suitable options.
  • Use Acupressure Bands: These can be helpful for some by applying pressure to specific points on the wrist.

Different strategies work for different individuals, so you may need to experiment to find what helps you the most.