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Thrush is an infection caused by a yeast-like fungus - Candida, and can happen in the mouth and throat, on the skin, and especially on the genitals. While the infection on the genitals is more common in women, this can also happen to men.
The fungus occurs naturally and is generally found in moist places of the body - such as the mouth and the genital area. But thrush occurs when there is an overgrowth of candida. It is then that you need to consult a doctor and get a thrush treatment.
Usually, doctors prescribe an antifungal medication to get rid of thrush. This comes in the form of tablets, a creme/ lotion, or even a pessary that has to be inserted into the vagina.
According to our experts, once you consult a doctor and undergo thrush treatment, the condition gets cured in under 7-14 days. However, if you have recurring thrush, the treatment may take up anything from 6-8 months.
It is a common infection - one which isn’t classed as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and can be addressed by reaching out to a medical practitioner and opting for thrush treatment. You can even connect with our online experts/ doctors at Be Online Pharmacy for a discreet treatment plan.
Thrush can affect both men and women. It leads to a white discharge, which is usually odourless in women but has an unpleasant smell in men. It leads to a stinging pain during sex and urinating. It can even lead to redness/ rash on the penis and around the vagina, though this may not be very visible on brown and darker skin tones.
Though thrush isn’t classified as a sexually transmitted infection (STI), it can be passed on during sex - especially if the partner has an untreated infection.
To reduce the passing of thrush, you and your partner must maintain good hygiene, use protection during sex, and use a dental dam when engaging in oral sex.
Yes, the treatment is generally safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
At Be Online Pharmacy, our doctors usually recommend medications/ creams depending on the situation. So, it’s important to consult a doctor/ healthcare provider to choose the safest treatment option.
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