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Progesterone Only Pill Online Consultation

The progestogen-only pill (POP or mini pill), is a type of hormonal contraception. Progestogen is a hormone that works in a similar to progesterone.

POP prevents pregnancy by stopping the ovaries releasing an egg each month. However, POP is not suitable for everyone. It’s over 99% effective if you use it correctly all the time. If not used correctly, for example missing a pill, it’s less effective.

When you stop taking the POP, it usually takes about 1 month for your chance of getting pregnant to return to how it was before.

POP may help with painful or heavy periods and endometriosis.

POP is taken as the same time each day without a break.

POP is a safe alternative to combined contraception as it is safe to use when breastfeeding and doesn't require blood pressure or weight checks.