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Cold Sores Online Consultation

Cold sores are small blisters on and around the lips caused by a viral infection known as herpes simplex virus that can cause uncomfortable symptoms.

At Be Online Pharmacy we offer a range of medications to treat cold sores symptoms effectively.

What Causes Cold Sores?

Cold sores on the face are typically caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), while the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) is more commonly linked to genital sores. However, both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can lead to sores either on the face or the genitals.

Cold sores are contagious. Therefore, most people get the virus through kissing or close contact with someone who has the virus.

Cold Sores Symptoms 

Cold sores typically appear in stages, meaning you can often detect and treat symptoms before they worsen. The stages are as follows:

  • Itching, burning or tingling around the lips
  • Small fluid-filled blisters on and around the lips 
  • Blisters become open sores
  • Scabs will form over the sores 
  • Scabs will fall off, and blisters should heal within 10-14 days

Cold Sore Treatment

While there’s no cure for HSV, managing cold sore outbreaks is possible. Prompt treatment with appropriate medication can help reduce symptoms’ duration and severity.

Cold Sore Creams

Over-the-counter creams for cold sores, such as Aciclovir Cream, can alleviate the initial tingling sensation and help manage the infection. Applying topical lotions or creams provides soothing moisture, helping to control the sores.

Following a short consultation with one of our licenced pharmacists, once approved, you can buy these prescription creams from our online cold sore clinic.

Cold Sore Patches

Cold sore patches, such as Compeed Cold Sore Patches, act like a protective layer, offering eight hours of shield and supporting the body’s natural recovery.

These patches can also lessen the sore’s contamination risks and can be purchased from our online cold sore clinic without a prescription. 

Cold Sore Tablets

Prescription medications like Aciclovir Tablets are antiviral medications used to treat cold sores by stopping the virus from multiplying in the body.

You can buy these tablets from our online pharmacy following a short consultation with one of our licenced pharmacists; once approved, we’ll have your prescription sent directly to your door.